Blawg Review #88: Tickling The Ivories

Blawg Review #88 is up at David Harlow's HealthBlawg with a mention and link to the Healthcare Blogging Summit.David, very nicely composed. In keeping with the theme -- you know the "key" to good health care isn't "black and white." Although the Healthcare Blogging Summit was a small but diverse group I was encouraged by the words of Richard G. Petty,...

Time's Person of the Year: The Power of the Information Age Public

Time Magazine's recognizes the power of those who now create, control and collaborate with content online and the incredible influence that it is having around the world. This year's Time Magazine's person of the year is "you."Over the last couple of years since beginning my Health Care Law Blog in 2004 I've gained a good understanding of the "online...

Healthcare Blogging Summit 2006

Washington DC is the place to be for health care bloggers. Tomorrow the first Healthcare Blogging Summit is being held in conjunction with the Consumer Health World expo. I'll be participating as a panel member on the "Facts and Issues" session. I'm looking forward to meeting in person a number of health care bloggers that I regularly follow though...

Swiss Army Knife: Lost and Found

A simple example of today's live web from fellow Charleston blogger and friend, Rick Lee.This would not and could not have happened a few years ago. Change is happening as the web becomes the way we create content, share information, communicate, collaborate, network, learn, buy...

End of Life Care - Science and Religion

Running A Hospital has an interesting look at the legal and ethical issues faced by health care providers these days. The post, When is Death? points to a story from the Boston Globe involving a current case at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.As medical science and genetic issues continue to progress our society will have to address more of these...

The Flattening of Health Care

More on the flattening of health care. U.S. businesses and health insurers continue to look at the option of outsourcing health care services oversees.The article appearing in the Las Vegas Sun discusses a VP of BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina recent visit to Bumrungrad in Bangkok along with Delegate Canterbury's efforts here in West Virginia...

Cost Of Living In Charleston, Martinsburg, Morgantown and Vienna

Does it cost more (or less) to live in West Virginia? Numerous times this question has either come up or been posed to me. The Charleston Daily Mail had a blurb today on a recent report issued by the WVU College of Business & Economics examining cost of living.The report looks at 4 cities in West Virginia: Charleston, Morgantown, Martinsburg and...

Go Mountaineers!

I have to agree with, "IF IT'S PANDEMONIUM YOU WANT . . . No. 3 USC lost. No. 5 Texas struggled. No. 7 Auburn struggled. This may have been the greatest Saturday in West Virginia history."USC's loss sets up a great Thursday night game between the Mountaineers and the Cardinals....

CAB 11.7: Election Day Event

The Charleston Area Bloggers (CAB) are planning to meet at Capitol Roasters on November 11 around 7am to 9am. Come early, late or anytime in between. Wi-fi is available.If you can't make it the group is setting aside Wednesday, December 6 @ 7am for the December get-together. Mark your calendar and plan to attend.Rick Lee and Oncee have posted about...

HHS designates CCHIT as RCB

CCHIT is the first group to be designated by HHS as a RCB. How's that for health care acronyms!The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technlogy's (CCHIT) designation as as a Recognized Certification Body (RCB) will allow for those marketing health IT products to move forward for approval as a certified interoperable product. The article...

SCOTUS Trivia!

What current U.S. Supreme Court Justice has roots in West Virginia? Answer. Tip to SW Virginia Law Blog.Tags: SCOTUS, law, supreme court, WV, West Virgin...

Vonage Comes To West Virginia

The Charleston Daily Mail reports today that Vonage has finally entered the West Virginia market. I've been waiting for Vongage to come to West Virginia after having used the service in North Carolina at my brother in law's house. Based on my experience it's a great service.Those of you who aren't famililar with Vonage and voice over internet service...

Health Care Blogging Summit 2006

The first Healthcare Blogging Summit will be held on December 11, 2006, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, co-located at Consumer Health World.I've been invited by Dmitriy Kruglyak, the organizer of the summit to participate as a panel member of the session on Healthcare Blogging - Facts & Issues. The panel members include:Dmitriy Kruglyak...

120 Days then new National Coordinator for Health Information Technology?

Healtcare IT News reports that Robert Kolodner, Interim National Coordinator for Health Information Technology will only be in the position thru January 2007 and will then return to his position at the VA.To maintain momentum the health care industry need a charismatic national leader on health information technology to help guide and coordinate a...

Hospital Patient Data Lost

A lesson on losing hospital patient data.260,000 patient records were accidentally left in a new computer bag by a medical billing contractor who had copied the records onto CDs to work from home. The employee had decided the new recently purchased computer bag was too small and exchanged it at the store leaving the CDs inside. The person who later...

HIPAA: All Bark, No Bite

The Red Tape Chronicles highlights HIPAA (un)enforcement in Health Care Privacy Law: All Bark, No Bite?The post provides an update on the number of HIPAA complaints filed with OCR (22,664 since 2004) and the fact that no fines have been levied for violating the HIPAA Privacy Rule. The article also cites that 332 criminal cases have been referred...

Grand Rounds 3.5: A Visual Tour

Ohhhhh . . . Tuesday Morning . . . feels like a hangover. I'm finally coming down from the caffeine buzz of last weeks Grand Rounds hosted by Kim at Emergiblog. I'm in withdraw after a week of working on the incredible submissions for this week's edition of the best from the medical...

Grand Rounds 3.5

Ohhhhh . . . Tuesday Morning . . . feels like a hangover. I'm finally coming down from the caffeine buzz of last weeks Grand Rounds hosted by Kim at Emergiblog. I'm in withdraw after a week of working on the incredible submissions for this week's edition of the best from the medical...