Blawg Review #68: Jeremy Blachman

Blawg Review #68 is up at Jeremy Blachman's Brand New Weblog (aaka* Anonymous Lawyer and aka Jeremy's Weblog). Enjoy the week's best posts from the legal blawg world.I'm nominating Jeremy for the Guinness World Record blawg category of "most law blogs owned and maintained by one person".* aaka "also anonymously known as"Tags: blawg, blawg review,...

HR 4157: Health Information Technology Promotion Act of 2006

HR 4157, the Health Information Technology Promotion Act of 2006, was passed by the House on July 27, 2006. The bill promotes the use of health information technology to improve the safety and quality of the nation’s healthcare system.Important to those groups, including West Virginia, looking at the barriers to health information technology adoption...

2005 Statistics on Physician Use of EHRs

Statistics on the use of electronic health record systems by office based physicians courtesy of iHealthBeat and a report by the National Center for Health Statistics.The chart shows an increase in usage from approximately 18% in 2001 to 24% in 2005. Interestingly, the use varies...

E-prescribing: privacy & security vs. lower cost & reduced errors

A tale of e-prescribing data breach courtesy of Instapundit. More on the e-prescribing breach and the suspension of the program at Georgetown University Hospital from iHealthBeat.Alternatively, see this iHealthBeat report on a commitment by the auto manufacturers (Ford, Chrysler and GM) to continue support for an e-prescribing systemby pledging $1M.Tags:...

West Virginia E-Health Initiative Update

The West Virginia State Journal online edition provides an update of West Virginia's efforts to implement a statewide electronic medical records system.The 2006 Legislature passed legislation creating the West Virginia Health Information Network responsible for guiding and overseeing West Virginia's efforts to coordinate and implement a private/public...

Pew Study: Blog Stats

While on the topic of stats -- check out these interesting stats on the state of blogs from a recent Pew Survey. Courtesy of Yahoo News and Reuters.Tags: blog, statisti...

Denise Howell, Reed Smith and the Blawg Effect

Robert Ambrogi at Inside Opinions: Legal Blogs raises many of the questions I've been thinking about over the last few days after learning about the separation of Denise Howell from Reed Smith. I first learned about the separation after reading the Aussie version of Blawg Review...

New Medical Blog By Senator Frist

Senator Bill Frist has announced a new medical blog called a 21st Century Discussion of Health Care Issues.According to the inaugural is a blog about health care and the politics of health care. In the coming days and weeks we will discuss stem cells, avian flu, electronic medical records, Health Savings...

Update on West Virginia's Participation in Health Information Security & Privacy Collaborative Project

Over the past few months I have had the opportunity to participate in the Legal Working Group of the Health Information Security & Privacy Collaborative (HISPC) being co-managed by the West Virginia Health Care Authority and West Virginia Medical Institute.Following is an AP press release on the current status of the grant project in West Virginia...

West Virginia Hospital For Sale

Today's Charleston Daily Mail is reporting that St. Francis Hospital in Charleston and St. Joseph's Hospital in Parkersburg are again up for sale and according to the Daily Mail's sources the hospitals bids for the facilities are due on Friday. The article cites a recent article in Modern Healthcare about the sale of the four hospitals by HCA to Lifepoint.In...

Google Health Portal

I've notice word circulating about a Google Health portal referred to as Google Health Scrapbook or M Scrapbook. Although I've expected Google's involvment in the health care industry sector, it will be interesting to watch Google approach on providing service to patients/customers, providers and others in the health care industry.Thanks to the Wired...

WV Hospital Licensure Rule

I recently became aware that the West Virginia Hospital Licensure Rule, CSR 64-12-1, was amended this past legislative session and became effective on May 1, 2006. I haven't had a chance to perform a paragraph by paragraph review of the changes but did notice that the regulations regarding retention of medical records appear to have changed under...