HIPAA: Nebraska Case Looks at No Private Cause of Action Issue

Jeff Drummond at the HIPAA Blog, provides details on a Nebraska case finding that there was no private cause of action for damages under the HIPAA Privacy Rule.In Diering v. Regional West Medical Center, 7:06CV5010 (Sept 15, 2006), the Nebraska District Court citing various other decisions found that HIPAA does not provide a private right of action....

Robert M. Kolodner, MD: New National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

News reports indicate that Robert M. Kolodner, MD, Chief Health Informatics Officer at the Veterans Health Administration, has been named the interim National Coordinator for Health Information Technology for for the Office of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Mr. Kolondner...

New HISPC Project Website

The Health Information Privacy and Security Collaborative (HISPC) now has its own website through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The HISPC project is being coordinated by RTI International in conjunction with the National Governor's Association Center for Best Practices. West Virginia is one of 33 states participating in the grant...

HIPAA Decision: Findley v. Findley

Out of the State of Louisiana, Court of Appeals, Third Circuit, comes a decision examining the release of medical records in light of Louisiana law and HIPAA.The decision, Larry L. Findley, Jr. v. Billie Findley , CW 06-266 (Supervisory Writs from the Fourteenth Judicial District Court, Parish of Calcasieu, No 2004-00401), issued by Judge Michale...

Viral Video Chart: Explosion of Internet Video

For some fascinating facts (blurbs) on the growth (explosion) of the online video market -- courtesy of the likes of YouTube, Google Video and MySpace -- check out Viral Video Chart. Viral Video Chart tracks the world's most talked about videos.Over the last year I've watched with interest the growth of video social networking. I'm amazed by the...

Washington Post Article: Nonprofit Hospital Report and Hearings

Today's Washington Post article, "Hospital Charity Care Is Probed," provides a summary of some of the findings of the United States Senate Committee on Finance review of nonprofit hospitals. The report findings are part of the ongoing hearings on whether nonprofit hospitals provide sufficient community benefits to justify exemption from federal and...

West Virginia Hospital Association Announces New President & CEO

Today's Charleston Gazette and Charleston Daily Mail business briefs announced the new President and CEO of the West Virginia Hospital Assocation. Joseph M. Letnaunchyn, previously the president and CEO of the Delaware Healthcare Association, will start in November. Mr. Letnaunchyn replaces Steven Summer who resigned this summer to take a similar...

News Rivers and Bloglines Mobile

Like Dave Winer I recently broke down and purchased a Blackberry to replace my aging cell phone. I've been taking Winer's News River feeds for a spin and find them user friendly and valuable to check in on the BBC and NYT news. However, in all the buzz about the River feeds I've seen little discussion on Bloglines Mobile and how it differs in application....

Seinfeld Meets Jeopardy: I'd like mainstream technology for $1,000

Two interesting posts crossed my RSS feed this morning that I thought I would tie together in a third post. The first from Lee Kraus blogging over at Learning & Technology mentioning a recent Jeopardy episode where Alex said, "download a file and load it on an Ipod. . ." Response by the contestant, "What is a podcast?" The second by Kevin O'Keefe...

WV Chamber Isssues 2006-2007 Health Policy Recommendations

The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce issued its Policy Recommendations for 2006-2007. The twenty-nine different policy recommendations were developed by the Chamber's committees and adopted on August 29 by the Chamber's Board of Directors.Included in the announcement are several health care related policies including: Decreasing The Prevalence of...

WV Executive Order: Commitment to State's Efforts on Privacy and Information Security

On August 29, 2006, Governor Joe Manchin signed Executive Order No. 6-06 authorizes the state's Chief Technology Officer and Chair of the West Virginia Health Care Authority to oversee the implementation of additional privacy and security policy for state government. The goal of the executive order was to acknowledge and build on the state's continuing...

Charleston Regatta: AnythingThat Floats

CIMG1978Originally uploaded by Coffield.Photos from the 2006 Charleston Regatta Anything That Floats Race. My favorite entry were the employees from Kid Country Toys. They didn't know whether the Black Pearl would sail or sink -- but sail it did down the Mighty Kanawha.We live...