Inside Look At Revolution Health

Today's Washington Post has an update and perspective on some of what is happening at Revolution Health in "A Big-Ticket-Start-Up With a Nonprofit Vibe". For more on what Revolution Health is and what it plans to do for consumer driven health care check out my previous posts here and here. Check out this post by a former Revolution Health employee...

Blawg Review #97

Welcome to another edition of Blawg Review -- where bloggers come for their legal news every Monday. It's good to be hosting another edition of Blawg Review at the Health Care Law Blog. However, it's even better to be done.First off, thanks to all who submitted posts to this edition. There was wonderful material to work from. Much of the information...

Hospital CEO Blogger Blogs About Infection Rates

Hospital CEO blogger, Paul Levy, at Running a Hospital is stirring up the Boston health care community by publishing his hospital's infection rates on his blog and suggesting that other Boston area hospitals should do the same. Check out the Boston Globe article.I mentioned Mr. Levy's blog posts on the infection rates in my recent post about transparency...

Hosting Blawg Review #97

Next Monday I will be hosting Blawg Review that promotes itself as the blog carnival for everyone interested in the law. Edition #96 was hosted this week by South Carolina Appellate Law Blog. If you want to contribute a "top post" from this week you can submit it to me via Blog...

65,000 Employees, 2 Days, 1 Million Visitors: West Virginia's Auditor Shows Power of Price Transparency

To demonstrate the power of price transparency (or in this case salary transparency) just look at the stats reported in today's Daily Mail on the decision by West Virginia's State Auditor, Glen Gainer to publish on the West Virginia State Auditor's website the compensation of each of West Virginia's 65,000 employees.According to the article the website...

Visualizing Web 2.0

Bill Gardner who blogs at Oncee and Law Firm IT sent me the following YouTube video after seeing my post about my presentation on Healthcare Blogging and Web 2.0 at the AHLA Hospitals and Health Systems Law Institute.The video, "Web 2.0 . . . The Machine is Us/ing Us," was created by Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Anthropology Kansas State...

Healthcare Blogging and Web 2.0

Today and tomorrow I am attending the American Health Lawyer Association's Hospitals and Health Systems Law Institute in Las Vegas where I am speaking on Healthcare Blogging and Web 2.0. The session is designed to introduce health lawyers to the world of health care bloggers, RSS,...