100 Great Reasons To Read Blawg Review #100

Don't miss the special 100 anniversary edition of Blawg Review hosted by it's anonymous editor. This week's edition features posts from the past 100 hosts of Blawg Review. Blawg Review is a featured "blog carnival" this week at BlogCarnival.com.A quick thanks to the Editor for allowing me the opportunity to host Blawg Review #44 and Blawg Review #97.Tags:...

WV Passes (Almost) E-Prescribing Bill

The West Virginia Legislature passed (almost) SB 69 (HB 2289) allowing West Virginia to join the majority of states that allow e-prescribing. It appears that technical errors that occurred as a result of the House and Senate mistakenly passing separate versions of the bill will be cleaned up in a special session on the state budget.For more information...

Charleston Area Alliance: The Value of Blogging In Business

The Charleston Area Alliance will be holding its CEO Roundtable Luncheon on April 4 where the topic for discussion will be "The Value of Blogging In Business."I will be participating on a panel of Charleston area business bloggers along with Matt Ballard, CEO of the Charleston Area Alliance who blogs at the CAA Blog and Skip Lineburg, Chief Creative...

The Ying and Yang of Health Privacy

Christina's Considerations posts a quote by Dr. William Yasnoff from a recent New York Times article, Warnings Over Privacy of U.S. Health Network. The quote caught my eye because it highlights what I'll refer to as the ying and yang involved in the conversion to a more comprehensive...

One Space or Two?

For years I've thought I was right on this one -- but finally -- proof. Should you use one space or two spaces after a sentence? Adams Drafting has the answer in this post, "One Space or Two?".I can't tell you how many legal secretaries I've tried to convince to stop hitting the space bar twice. I use full margin justification for my legal contracts...

The False Claims Act: Recent Changes Affecting Health Care Entities

Amy Rothman, an attorney in the health care practice group at our firm recently authored an article on the False Claims Act and recent changes brought on by the Deficit Deduction Act of 2005 and West Virginia's fraud and abuse statute that will appear in the Spring 2007 edition...

Bethany College: The Value of Small Liberal Arts Colleges

Today's Charleston Gazette contained a letter to the editor, Not all is negative in West Virginia, that made me proud of my alma mater Bethany College. As the Bethany website says, Bethany is a place that gives you "permission to dream."The letter by the grandparent of a current...