Kaiser/Deal Battle Finally Hits West Virginia Press

I woke up this morning and pick up my Charleston Gazette off the front lawn to see the headline "E-mail jolts HMO giant" as the front page story. Yawn, not because I was up late but because this was old news to me. Guess it was probably "new news" to many West Virginia readers.The front page story was a regurgitation of the WSJ article (read some...

New HIPAA Privacy Compliance and Enforcement Website

Yesterday I received an email via the OCR-Privacy listserv announcing the launch of a new HHS web site on HIPAA Privacy Compliance and Enforcement.I haven't had time to check out the new website but plan to in the coming days. While scanning the website I found the "Enforcement...

Enought Health 2.0: What about Law 2.0? Avvo

Caught this at Between Lawyers and Real Lawyers Have Blogs while RSS'ing this morning. Lately I've done a number of posts on Health 2.0 companies and thought I would switch gears to Law 2.0.I'll be watching with interest the roll out of Avvo, a new online legal services startup...

In Honor of VT

Tonight I saw this photo/graphic on Rick Lee's Blog and thought I would share it with those of you who regularly visit here. If you are inclined (and a blogger) take a few minutes and post the image. I'd like to see this spread around the blogger community to honor those at Virginia...

McClinics: Convenient Care Clinics Are Taking Off

Thanks to Alan Goldberg, Moderator of the AHLA HIT listserve for linking to this article in the Economists on McClinics.The article caught my eye with the following first paragraph:“IN NO other industry is the relationship between the consumer and the provider as unbalanced as in health care,” says Joseph Maloney of Health Stop, a pioneering retail...

What Google Health Might Look Like

Google Vice President, Adam Bosworth asks the following question over at the Google Blog -- How do you know you're getting the best care possible? Note: At the end of his post he asks to hear from you.Those interested in seeking improved health care information online and becoming more engaged (and knowledgeable) in their own health care will find...

Collaborating On Health 2.0

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak to a local group of business executives on the topic of The Value of Blogging in Business with Skip Lineberg and Matt Ballard. During Skip's Ten Reasons To Blog portion of the presentation he used a couple of slides highlighting the concept of "reaching the world . . . or reach across town -- do...

The Candid CIO

Thanks to Will Weider, CIO at Affinity Health System in Wisconsin, who blogs at Candid CIO for linking to my summary of Health Care Blogging and Web 2.0.For those of you interested in hospital health care IT issues I would suggest reading Will's blog (or better yet pick up Will's RSS feed...

Recent HIPAA Enforcement Stats

for the latest on HIPAA enforcement statistics by OCR click over to Mike Cassidy's post at the Med Law Blog: HIPAA Criminal Verdict and Enforcement Statistics. The post also contains some stats on the number of matters reported to the DOJ for investigation.The post includes a summary of United States v. Ferrer, S.D. Fla., No. 06-CR-60261-CR-Cohn,...

WV Pro Hac Vice Admission Fees To Increase

The West Virginia Bar Blast reports that the pro hac vice admission fees for West Virginia will increase effective July 1, 2007. The fees will increase from $150 to $250. The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals entered the Court Order amending Rule 8.0 of the West Virginia Rules of Admission to the Practice of Law on March 19, 2007.The complete...

Health Care Top 10 of 10

If you like top 10 lists and you're involved in health care - then check out Tony Chen's Healthcare Top 10 list of Top 10 lists at Hospital Impact.I've scanned a few of the links and can't wait to check out more when I have some time.Tony's a health care innovator and one of my favorite health care blogging colleagues. He is in my top 10 list of...

Health Care Mashup: Who Is Sick?

A good example of health 2.0 and what is on the horizon for health care. Another unique approach to solving health care problems through technology and social networking.Who is Sick? is a public health mashup using consumer driven (social networking) health information and Google maps. Just imagine the public health possibilities.Here is the background...

West Virginia Medical Student Seeks Advice On What To Do . . .

Paul Levy, the blogging CEO at Running A Hospital provides some advice to a West Virginia medical student who responded to his post "Students, Are you curious?" (a weekly Wednesday feature).Great discussion of the reason why we need to encourage more physicians to go into primary care and some of the barriers that exist under the current system. Don't...

Charleston Area Alliance: Blogging In Business

Yesterday I participated in a panel discussion on the value of blogging in business. The Charleston Area Alliance held the event as a part of its CEO Roundtable Luncheon series.Also serving on the panel was Matt Ballard, CEO of the Charleston Area Alliance who blogs at the CAA Blog and Skip Lineberg, Chief Creative Officer of Maple Creative who blogs...