The Flea Flicker: Risks of (anonymous) Medical Blogging

Kevin M.D. has the full roundup from the blogosphere of the unmasking of Flea (cached version) at his malpractice trial. Today's Boston Globe reports more of the details. More details courtesy of New York Personal Injury Law Blog.I periodically ran across Flea's posts over the last year and was surprised a few months ago when I started to notice... Article: Google and Health Care

Today I noticed a little more traffic to my blog with much of it coming from As a result of a little searching I found an article (Google Aims to Extend Data Mantra into Health Care) quoting from one of my previous post (What Google Health Might Look Like).My previous post on Google Health was a a reaction and response to a post at...

HealthDot Interview: Health Care Blogging and Social Media

Earlier this month I attended and spoke on a panel addressing some of the legal implications for health care bloggers at the 2007 Health Care Blogging Summit.During one of the breaks I had the opportunity with a couple of my health blogging colleagues, Enoch Choi, M.D. who blogs at and medmusings and and Fard Johnmar of Envision Solutions...

Fishy FestivALL 2007

As a follow up to my recent post about Charleston being featured in Kiplinger's Best Cities At Every Stage of Your Life it reminds me to mention that FestivALL is on its way (June 21-24).FestiVALL is just one example of why I think Charleston received a postive ranking in Kiplinger's...

New WV Law Blog: West Virginia Business Litigation

Just a quick note to welcome another West Virginia lawyer, Jeff Mehalic, now blogging at West Virginia Business Litigation. It appears he started blogging in April. Looking at his past few posts looks like he will be generating some great content. Interesting reading, especially for West Virginia lawyers.Welcome Jeff. I've added you to my blog roll...

Shhhh! . . . Charleston, West Virginia Is A Good Place To Live

Congratulation to Charleston, West Virginia for its ranking in Kiplinger's Best Citites for Every Stage of Your Life cover story. The ranking includes the top 25 places to launch a career, raise a family, retire in style, and more.Charleston was ranked under the Best Cities for Empty-Nesters. Although my nest is still full its still a great place...

Justia's RSS Federal Register

Do you have a need to monitor the federal rules, proposed rules and orders on a particular topic or particular agency? If so, Justia's Regulation Tracker to the rescue. A very useful tool for those of us in the highly regulated world of health care.Thanks to Tom Mighell at inter alia I just learned about this new feature. I've added a couple of test...

Pew Internet and American Life Survey On Technology Use

The AP reports on the findings of a new Pew Internet and American Life Project survey, "A Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users." The report doesn't really surprise me (like it does the AP writer) because the findings reflect what I see on a daily basis in our law firm.As an "omnivore lawyer" (see my quiz results below) who serves...

CMS Proposed Rule Modifies PPS For Home Health Agencies

Last Friday, April 27, 2007, CMS issued a proposed rule (CMS-1541-P) modifying the prospective payment system (PPS) for home health agency reimbursement. The proposed rule will be officially published in the Federal Register on May 4, 2007. The details of how to comment on the proposed rule is included in the rule. According to the press release,...