PeerClip: physician social bookmarking and collaboration

I got the opportunity at Health 2.0 to learn about peerclip, a new social bookmarking tool, information rating and peer collaboration tool exclusively for physicians. I've not personally used the tool but saw this recent review by Shahid Shah, the Healthcare IT Guy. Here is ConnectivHealth's...

Hospital Mashup: Google and HHS Hospital Data

NetDoc now as a mashup of Google Maps and HHS hospital data. As Shahid Shah says, these types of tools takes mountains of data and makes it more accessible and easier to digest by the average public health consumer. Here is the view/data of hospitals that are 100 miles from Charleston, West Virginia.Here is the summary of what the tool provides: When...

Health 2.0 Physician Model: House Calls and FICO

Just back from Health 2.0 and was reading about Dr. Parkinson who demonstrates his new (disruptive) model changing the way health care is provided. Don't miss the great discussion in the comments. Check out Dr. Parkinson's website Jay Parkinson, MD + MPH (and his blog).Dr. Parkinson's approach also highlights something of value that I think has been...

Health 2.0: User-Generated Healthcare Conference 2007

The Health 2.0: User-Generated Healthcare Conference officially gets underway today but the pre-conference gathering was a great time last evening. We started out at the Hilton San Francisco lobby bar and then moved down to Johnny Foley's Irish Pub just down O'Farrell Street.I had the opportunity to talk with Chris Sparks and Robert Hendrick of MedBillManager,...

FSB Best Lawyers in America 2008

Last week I learned that I was selected by my peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2008 in the field of "Health Care Law". This is the first year that I have been selected for the honor. In all, six lawyers from Flaherty, Sensabaugh & Bonasso, PLLC were selected...

2007 Healthcare Blogospere Survey

A few weeks ago my fellow blogging colleague, Fard Johnmar, announced the second edition of Taking The Pulse Of The Healthcare Blogosphere (2007 Survey). A survey co-produced by Johnmar's Envision Solutions and Trusted.MD Network.The survey was first conducted last year (read the...

Calling All Creative West Virginians!

If you are creative and living in West Virginia (or a West Virginia expatriate) check out the upcoming Create West Virginia Conference set for November 12-14 at Stonewall Resort. More from the Create West Virginia Blo...

Medicare Physician Data: Transparency vs. Privacy

iHealthBeat provides commentary and an update on the outcome of the Consumers' Checkbook v. HHS matter involving whether or not Medicare physicians claims data should be made publicly available.The United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruled in favor of Consumers' Checkbook on August 22 requiring that HHS release the physician...

Joint Commission Launches WikiHealthCare

iHealthBeat reports about the Joint Commission's new pilot wiki, WikiHealthCare. The pilot project is an effort by the Joint Commission to create a collaborative space for open exchange of information among health care professionals.According to the article, the site now only has 1,500 registered users and only about 10 actively posting to the wiki....

Modern Day Rudy: Schmitt Happens

Who isn't inspired by a story like this (Washington Post version) about West Virginia University's starting fullback, Owen Schmitt. The story is one of determination, persistence, hard work, overcoming adversity and living out your dream. A lesson for us all.My favorite quote from starting back and Heisman hopeful, Steve Slaton:"He's like ‘Rudy'...

Welcome Jane Sarasohn-Kahn: Health Populi

Today I received an email from my colleague, Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, a health economist and management consultant, announcing that she had joined the health care blogging world. Congrats Jane!Jane will be blogging at Health Populi. Over the past year or so I have been reading Jane's thought provoking columns for iHealthBeat and have checked out her THINK-Health...

Butterfly in West Virginia

A butterfly we noticed just outside our front door this weekend. The kids loved watching them. Saw a couple of Monarchs and then this one. What is it? No I didn't photoshop to match the colors of the butterfly with the flowers. Rick Lee eat your heart out. By the way Rick, love...

The Economist and Health 2.0

The Economist takes a glimpse at Health 2.0.Thanks to Scott Shreeve, MD for pointing out the article. Scott has great insight on what changes might be happening to health care as this new technology and social networking begins to invade traditional models of health care delivery. Scott is working on a white paper styled after Tim O'Reilly titled,...