10 Things Small Business Owner Should Do In 2009

A post on the Top 10 Things Every Small Business Owner Should Do in 2009 by Guy Kawasaki came across my screen this morning via @paulhelmick and caught my eye.Great advice for any business person to consider and "do" in 2009. We can all do better at understanding how our customers view us and improving on the service or product we offer the...

ESPN World's Strongest Man Competition 2008 - Charleston WV

Everyone be sure sure to tune in to the ESPN World's Strongest Man Competition 2008 starting to air on ESPN2 on December 25 (7pm-1am) and ESPN on December 28 (1pm-7pm).Charleston, West Virginia played host to the 2008 competition. I look forward to ESPN showing off the beauty and...

ONCHIT Issues Nationwide Privacy and Security Framework for Electronic Exchange of Health Information

Today the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) issued The Nationwide Privacy and Security Framework for Electronic Exchange of Individually Identifiable Health Information. The summary states that the framework creates a set of consistent principles to:". . .address the privacy and security challenges related...

Does the Certificate of Need Law Benefit West Virginia?

Joe Letnaunchyn, CEO of the West Virginia Hospital Association, responds to the continuing discussion on the pros and cons of certificate of need regulatory oversight in West Virginia. The commentary, Certificate of Need Program Benefits West Virginia, appears in the most recent edition of the State Journal.Mr. Letnaunchyn responds to the commentary...

Reengineering Health Information Technology to Wire The Medical Home

Over at The Health Care Blog Dr. Kibbee issues Part 2 of his Confessions of a Physician EMR Champion, subtitled "A Conversation with American Physicians About How to Save Medicine in the Age of Information." The Part 2 post, Empowering Health IT for the Connected Medical Home, is...

Engage With Grace

Last month I had the opportunity to watch Alexandra Drane announce Engage With Grace: The One Slide Project at the Health 2.0 Conference in San Francisco. The idea behind the project is to get people to share just ONE slide that helps them and their loved ones talk about having...

Blawg Review # 186: Blawgers Are All-A-Twitter

Res Ipsa Blog brings you this week's edition of Blawg Review -- Blawg Review #186. This edition begins with a summary of the raging Twitter Wars and includes a link to a post I did last week discussing some of the legal implications of live tweeting in health care.Check out this week's edition for the latest law news from around the blogospher...

Medicare PHR Pilot Project

HealthcareIT News reports on the announcement of a Medicare personal health record (PHR) pilot project that will be made available to Medicare beneficiaries in Arizona and Utah.The four PHR companies selected out of almost 40 who applied to participate in the pilot are: Google Health, HealthTrio, NoMoreClipboard.com and PassportMD.The Arizona Republic...

The Implications for Live Tweeting Surgery

Yesterday Robert Hendrick, health care disruptor (I mean that in a positive way) and co-founder of change:healthcare, live tweeted his laser ablation surgery at the Surgical Clinic in Nashville. He also tweeted the first installment of his surgery to remove his varicose veins --...

Why Is Healthcare So Expensive?

A simplified view of Why is Healthcare So Expensive? from Stay Smart Stay Healthy. Stay Smart Stay Healthy is a Humana new-media venture designed to deliver guidance, and to support awareness and understanding of the healthcare industry.Our goal is simple: to educate consumers on the healthcare system by removing the usual complexities and replacing...

Predicting Flu Season With Google Flu Trends

Google Flu Trends uses search terms as an indicator of flu activity by state.According to Google.org Flu Trends the aggregated search data can estimate flu activity in a state up to two weeks faster than traditional systems. The chart comparison with CDC data is impressive at showing the consistency between tracking search terms vs. using influenza...

The Health Cloud

Tim Sturgill, MD JD at symtym provides an explanation and insight into the potential shift from silo'ed EHRs controlled by multiple providers to a Health Cloud centralized around a single PHR.The result of such a shift lessens the need for complex health information exchanges to...

Purkinje: Another SaaS EHR

Justen Deal in his post, Purkinje: stealth fighter, introduced me to another SasS focused Electronic Health Record (EHR) and practice management service provider called Purkinje. Interesting read on the company and its history.The principle owner of Purkinje is John Doerr, a partner...

World War II Honoree: LeMoyne Coffield

On this Veterans Day I give thanks to all military veterans who have served their county. Please take time today at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to thank a family member, friend or colleague who served their county.Thanks to my sister Becky who submitted information...

WV Lawyer Disciplinary Board Seeks Comments on Metadata and Wholly-Owned Subsidary Law Firms

The Lawyer Disciplinary Board of the West Virginia State Bar is seeking public comment by February 27,2009, on two draft Legal Ethics Opinions (LEO). The two LEO's were reviewed by the Board at the October 24, 2008 meeting. Draft L.E.O. 2009-01 What Is Metadata and Why Should Lawyers Be Cautious? The definition of metadata used in the draft LEO is...

Potential Data Breach and Extortion at Express Scripts

The WSJ Health Blogs reports about a potential data breach at Express Scripts, one of the largest pharmacy benefit management companies in North America. More from Express Scripts on the Facts, FAQs and Other Resources.The potential data breach came to Express Scripts attention after having received an anonymous letter attempting to extort money from...

November 5, 2008 - Today Is A New Day!

Today is a new day. Andre Blackman shared the image below (courtesy of Patrick Moberg) with me this via Twitter. The image speaks volumes about the significance of yesterday. Congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama (change.gov blog)Although West Virginia stayed in the red...

WVU College of Law: Entrepreneurship Law Clinic

Today the West Virginia State Bar announced a new project at the West Virginia University College of Law to provide legal assistance to technology start-ups, existing small business and nonprofits.The Entrepreneurship Law Clinic will be directed by Professor Michael V. Risch and staffed by current law students. The Clinic will provide supervised legal...

What Do WV Patients See As Their #1 Health Care Concern

Today I asked a health care policy related question to my West Virginia tweeters and received great responses. I appreciate the responses from my twitter followers.The responses were so valuable that I thought I would share them with my readers. If others who are reading have additional...

Blawg Review #182: Test Your Blawg Exam Knowledge

Take the Blawg Bar Exam practice test over at Blawg Review #182 creatively written by David Gulbransen at preaching to the preverted. Brilliantly creative edition. Don't miss testing your knowledge of Blawg Revie...

The Rise of the Personal Health Record

The October edition of the Health Lawyers News, a publication of the American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA), contains an article I co-authored with Jud DeLoss, a principal in the law firm of Gray Plant Mooty, who blogs at Minnesota Health IT. On the eve of the Health 2.0 Conference next week the article provides a look at some of the legal issues...

Health 2.0 Conference

Next week I'm headed to San Fransisco to attend the Health 2.0: User Generated Healthcare Conference.Looking forward to attending, seeing old and meeting new colleagues interested in the world of health 2.0. I will be involved in the Health 2.0 Accelerator meet and greet on Tuesday (Oct. 21) and will be at the conference and in San Francisco through...

Grand Rounds: Notes of an Anesthesioboist

The October 13, 2008 edition of Grand Rounds is now up at Notes of an Anesthesioboist. Great reading for anyone interested in the latest from the health and medical blogospere.Next week's Grand Rounds will be hosted by Christian Sinclair, M.D. at Pallimed. The theme --"Changing Goals of Care...

Health Care Cost Rising In 2009

Sandra Block of USA Today Money reports that the average amount employees will pay for health care is expected to increase 8.9% in 2009. Her column also provides good advice on how to try to control your health care expenses.According to the Hewitt Associates report the average amount employees will pay for health care is expected to increase 8.9%...

PROTEX: Cardiac Innovation From West Virginia

Today's Charleston Gazette features an article on a Charleston based medical technology company, Nexeon MedSystems.Mark Bates, M.D., CEO and interventional cardiologist at CAMC has developed a "pro-healing" stent that is lined with protein. The device called PROTEX system may also eliminate the need for heart patients to take blood thinning medications...

Dr. Val Launches Getting Better With Dr. Val

Val Jones, M.D. has a new home at Getting Better with Dr. Val. Congratulations to Dr. Val on the launch of her hew health care blog.Check out her welcome message and the official press release. If you already follow Dr. Val don't forget to update your blogroll. Dr. Val is also one...

Health 2.0: Stay Focused on the Goals

Ben Heywood, co-founder of PatientsLikeMe, outlines simple (but difficult) goals that those in the health 2.0 space must accomplish. Based on his post I take it that he highlighted these during his keynote address at the second Health 2.0 Northeast conference.His simple but eloquent message to the health 2.0 community:I believe we, as the eHealth...

HR 6898: The Health-e Information Technology Act of 2008

Jen McCabe Gorman at Health Management RX brought attention to a new House of Representative Bill (HR 6898) focused on electronic health information introduced in the 110th Congress by Congressman Pete Stark. The bill was introduced on September 15, 2008, and is currently referred out to committee.Jen provides some great analysis and brainstorming...

California Health Data Privacy and Security Bills Signed

Last week two new California data privacy and security bills were signed into law. Senate Bill 541 and Assembly Bill 211 set new breach disclosure standards and require security controls for preventing unauthorized access to patient data.I previously posted about the bills before they were finalized. Computer World, "New health care privacy laws...

Medical Blogger Dr. Wes Subpoenaed Over Blog Comment

The New York Personal Injury Law Blog relays a incident involving a subpoena issued to a medical blogger related to anonymous comments made on his blog.The incident involved medical blogger, Westby Fisher, MD (Dr. Wes), who was subpoenaed for a discovery deposition to determine whether he knew the anonymous commenter who left a comment on a post.Interesting...