West Virginia E-Prescribing Regulations

On January 4, 2008, the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy filed a Notice of Emergency Rule amending CSR 15-1, Licensure and Practice of Pharmacy, implementing the requirements of SB 1001 (See SB 69 and HB 2289) passed during the 2007 Legislative Session permitting electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) of legend drugs in West Virginia, including through...

Results of Tech President Primary

Want to know where the presidential hopefuls stand on technology?Check ou the result of the TechCrunch Tech President Primaries. You can see where the candidates stand on 10 key tech issues. Based on the results the TechCrunch endorsements goes to Barack Obama and John McCain.Great information if you are concerned about the level of knowledge our...

Grand Rounds . . . Revolution

Grand Rounds Volume 4, No. 19 is up over at my favorite nurse blog, Emergiblog. Kim has wonderful vision into the world of health care and is a creative writer to boot. I've gotten out of the habit of submitting posts to Grand Rounds. Never enough time in the day. However, I wish...

West Virginia Educational Social Network

The State Journal reports that West Virginia University with the backing of a grant from Verizon will create a social network for middle and high school students focused around education (with emphasis on the energy sector) to get a head start on career decisions.Partners in the project include WVU's College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, College...

Newsweek Features Amy Tenderich of DiabetesMine

Great to see Newsweek run a story on Amy Tenderich and the success of her blog, DiabetesMine. Amy's efforts are a great example of how blogs can be used to creatively share valuable information with a patient community.Here is a taste of the article and how Amy got started,I've been writing my Web site for three years now, and some amazing things...

Get Your Google Health . . . Soon

Various reports out about the coming of Google Health. As Matthew Holt indicates, the Google purists found a log in page (screen shot).The log in page has since been pulled down but Matthew and Tech Crunch provide a list of what the log in page said Google Health will do for you,...

HealthBlawg Cover Northeast Health 2.0 Event

Fellow health law blogger, David Harlow, hangs with the Health 2.0 crowd at the Northeast Corridor Health 2.0 shindig in Cambridge. David provides his thoughts on where Health 2.0 might be headed. Looking forward to attending a future NE Health 2.0 event.Mark Modzelewski, organizer of the event and author of Hub 2.0 - Boston Herald Blogs, served as...

More Predictions on The Future of Health Care

Great post, "Everybody's Talking about the Future of Health Care," by Fred Fortin over at the World Health Care Blog. The post focusing our attention on what may occur in 2008.The other day I was in a meeting related to West Virginia's efforts to create a state wide health information network. We were looking at project time lines that ran into 2010....

Guitar Hero Health Care

Guitar Hero (Rock Band) Health Care. The current (next) generation expects to be on the stage performing and not just sitting passively in the audience.Check out Why Consumer - Directed Medicine, Health 2.0 Will Flourish by Jen McCabe Gorman at Health Management RX.What the coming generation will expect from providers - read Jen's questions and formulate...

The Return of Flea . . .

An interview with Dr. Flea (Robert Lindeman, MD) from Eric Turkewitz at the New York Personal Injury Law Blog.Thanks to Mr. Turkewitz for taking the time and effort to approach Dr. Lindeman and for Dr. Lindeman for agreeing to be interviewed. A great series of questions and answers. There is a lesson in this for all of us -- lawyers (plaintiff and...

Advocating The Need For A Federal Data Breach Disclosure Law

Information Week's Security Blog advocates for a federal data breach disclosure law in this post, The Time Is Now (Better Yet, Yesterday) For A Federal Data Breach Disclosure Law.Thanks to the HIPAA Blog for point out the article. I agree with Jeff Drummond's conclusion. After having analyzed overlapping and different state disclosure requirements...

WVHCA: Update on the Proposed Cardiac Catheterization Standards

I previously posted about the proposed amendments to the Certificate of Need Cardiac Catheterization Standards issued by the West Virginia Health Care Authority for public comment.Today, Charleston Gazette reporter, Eric Eyre, reports on the current debate over the standards. To learn more you can read the comments submitted regarding the proposed...

2008 WV Legislature: Modification to WV Mental Health Confidentiality Provisions

iHealthBeat (courtesy of Daily Mail) reports on proposed House Bill 4020 introduced last week before the West Virginia Legislature to modify W.Va. Code 27-3-1 authorizing the disclosure of certain mental health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.According to the article, West Virginia is one of about 24 states that...

Blawg Review #142: Letter To A New Lawyer

Be sure to check out this week's Blawg Review #142 over at Build A Solo Practice by Susan Cartier Liebel.This week's edition is creatively formatted as a letter to a new lawyer. Enjoy the read, click on a few of the links and discover interesting posts from around the legal blogospher...

Dr. Crounse Interviews Dr. Parkinson: A Look Into A New Generation of Physicians and Patients

Bill Crounse, MD of HealthBlog posts about his interview courtesy of ScribeMedia) with Jay Parkinson, MD about his unique business model for today and tomorrows health care delivery - part concierge medicine, part old-time house call infused with modern technology.Dr Crounse on Dr. Parkinson:. . . someone who I believe is setting the bar for a new...

What Do You Get For $2 Trillion?

What do you get for $2 Trillion?AnswerMore from Maggie Mahar at Health Beat Blog with a series of posts on this topic. Great stuff. Tip to KevinMD for the lin...

History of HIPAA Standard Patient Health Identifiers

John Halamka at Life as a Healthcare CIO has a nice summary and discussion of the history of the decision not to adopt a HIPAA national standard unique health identifier for each individual patient.I often talk about this topic when presenting my standard presentation on the various component regulations under HIPAA. Over the years I have asked my...

President-Elect of American Medical Association

Congratulations to Elkins, West Virginia native, Nancy J. Nielsen, M.D., Ph.D., president-elect of the American Medical Association. Dr. Nielsen will only be the second female to hold the position. Another example of a West Virginian making great strides in health care and medicine.More of the story from today's Charleston Daily Mail. AMA press release...

Health IT Predictions for 2008 by Jane Sarasohn-Kahn

Jane Sarasohn-Kahn has a nice round up of health IT predictions for 2008 over at iHealthBeat. Be sure to check out Get Out the Crystal Ball: Predicting What's Next for Health IT - iHealthBeat.One correction that I just pointed out to Jane is that Nick Jacobs IMHO is the grandfather of hospital CEO bloggers (started in May 2005) and that Paul Levy...