WV Environmental Law

A welcome to West Virginia's newest law blogger, Dave Yaussey, who is blogging at the WV Environmental Law. Dave is a partner at Robinson & McElwee in their Charleston office.I use to practice law with Dave and consider him to be one of the go to environmental lawyers in West Virginia. During a conversation a few months ago talked to him about...

California HealthCare Foundation: Social Media's Impact on Health Care

The California HealthCare Foundation has issued a new report, The Wisdom of Patients" Health Care Meets Online Social Media, authored by Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, a health economist, management consultant and fellow health care blogger at Health Populi.The report covers a lot of territory and provides a great overview of the quickly evolving and developing...

Dr. Val Emotes Her Way Through Grand Rounds 4.31

Val Jones, M.D. at Dr. Val and The Voice of Reason does a great job hosting this week's edition of Grand Rounds, titled: "How Do You Feel About That?"Great job and thanks for adding one of my posts. Don't miss the photo links to the various emotion categories (click on the category headings). Reminds me of my Flickr linked Grand Rounds 3.5: A Visual...

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day courtesy of Google. Take a few minutes and check out the environmental features of Google Earth from the Google Earth Blog.For my West Virginia readers (and those who may consider a get away to West Virginia) check out this earth day idea by fellow Charleston blogger,...

Consumers' Checkbook v. HHS Update

The WSJ Health Blog, "Feds Fight to Keep Doctor Data Secret," has the latest on the Consumers' Checkbook v. HHS matter involving whether or not Medicare physicians claims data should be made publicly available. Consumers' Checkbook, a nonprofit consumer information and service resource, wants to use the data to rate physicians and health care services.Last...

Blawg Review #156 Virtually Hosted at Virtually Blind

This week's edition of Blawg Review is hosted by Benjamin Duranske at Virtually Blind.Don't miss this edition if you are intrigued by (or just want to better understand) what is happening in the legal world (including the virtual legal world...

National Healthcare Decisions Day (April 16)

Today (April 16, 2008) is “National Healthcare Decisions Day”, a collaborative effort of national, state and community organizations committed to ensuring that all adults with decision-making capacity in the United States have the information and opportunity to properly communicate and document their healthcare decisions.My law partner, Sam Fox,...

After Tax Day Thought: Intuit CEO Returning To Speak In West Virginia

West Virginia claims its share of high profile thinkers leading and funding some of the most innovative companies and businesses in the world. Add to this list Brad Smith, President CEO of Intuit, Inc.Last week I learned from Matt Ballard, President of the Charleston Area Alliance...

Proposed Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System Rule

CMS posted on its website yesterday (April 14, 2008) the Proposed Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 2009 (CMS-1390-P).The proposed rule includes changes to the Physician Self Referral law (Stark law) regulations and seeks comments on the Disclosure of Financial Relationship Report.The description of the...

Practical Advice on the Death Spiral

The Death Spiral, courtesy of the WSJ Health Blog.Great graphic which highlights advice from my dad, a retired physician in West Virginia, who always warns us of such risks. He says, "eat better, eat less, take small bites, drive defensively with two hands on the wheel, don't climb...

Is Prevention Cheaper than Treatment?

David Williams over at the Health Business Blog looks at this question and surprisingly answers it saying that studies show it's often cheaper to let people get sick. This perspective comes from a Washington Post article, In the Balance, Some Candidates Disagree, but Studies Show It's Often Cheaper to Let People Get Sick.I have assumed (apparently...

The Value of Wiki Collaboration

A great graphic from Wikinomics of why wiki collaboration beats email collaboration. A picture says a 1,000 words.For me the graphic also demonstrates where we may be headed with cloud computing.Tip to Doug Cornelius' post "Wikis and Happiness" at KM Spac...

Dartmouth Atlas Health Care Stats on End of Life Care Costs

The WSJ Health Blog posts (WSJ article, More Choices Drive Cost of Health Care) interesting statistics on end of life care costs according to the latest Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care edition (due out today).The report shows:. . . that the cost of individual medical services isn’t...

Virtual Medical Dangers of Web 2.0

Thought provoking post by Bertalan Mesko at ScienceRoll on one of the dangers of web 2.0. Bertalan is a Hungarian medical student who plans to become a clinical geneticist and specialize in personalized genomics.Bertalan highlights a danger of virtual medicine and gives us a glimpse at what might be the reality of the future as real and artificial...

Thoughts on HIPAA and Privacy: NYT Article on PatientsLikeMe

First, an apology to my regular blog visitors for the lack of posts over the last month. Busy, busy, busy at work and home. No time to blog. The last couple of days I have been experimenting a bit with micro blogging via Twitter as a result of a conversation with my firm's IT director and blogger.Quick post to this interesting NYT article, Practicing...