West Virginia Health Improvement Institute

The West Virginia Health Improvement Institute has launched its website that provides an overview of the efforts to improve the health care system in West Virginia.The mission of the Institute is to assist with the execution of the strategies outlined in the Transformation Grants...

Creatively Living In West Virginia

Are you creative, looking for a place to be creative or have a need to find others who create?Come experience all that West Virginia has to offer. For a taste of the creative community plan to attend the Create West Virginia Conference 2008. More on Create WV.Watch the instructional/art...

The Use of Arbitration Agreements in Health Care

Ryan Brown, a health care attorney at Flaherty, Sensabaugh & Bonasso, PLLC who I regularly work with recently put together information on the use of arbitration agreements in the health care setting. More and more these types of agreements are being used as a way to avoid unnecessary...

Medpedia: The Medicine Wiki

The Medpedia project has been launched and will be the worlds largest collaborative online encyclopedia of medicine. Think of it as the Wikipedia for physicians and others looking for health information. However, Medpedia will have a more focused approach and utilize more authoritative...

Providence Health & Services Agrees To $100,000 Voluntary Settlement of Potential HIPAA Violation

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release last Thursday that it had entered into a Resolution Agreement with Seattle-based Providence Heath & ServicesHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) privacy and security rules. The agreement calls for Providence to pay a voluntary settlement...

Ohio Court Creates New Tort For Unauthorized Dislcosure of Medical Information

The Ohio Supreme Court issued a recent decision in Hageman v. Southwest General Health Center, et al. Slip Opinion No. 2008-Ohio-3343 (July 9, 2008), holding that an attorney's unauthorized disclosure of medical information obtained during litigation in a separate proceeding could be the basis of a tort claim. The decision in Hageman has implications...

Ongoing Debate Over Revised Cardiac Catheterization Standards

Larry Messina at Lincoln Walks at Midnight round up of latest links/articles discussing the ongoing debate over the revised certificate of need Cardiac Catheterization standards. The debate has pitted hospital against hospital and resulted in full page ads and a media blitz by both sides in the debate.Governor Manchin has until Friday (tomorrow) to...

WV Business Litigation Blog Hosts Blawg Review #168

This week's edition of Blawg Review is hosted by another West Virginia law blogger, Jeff Mehalic, over at the West Virginia Business Litigation Blog. Check out Blawg Review #168 for the latest in what is happening this week around the legal blogosphere.Congrats to Jeff on a great job hosting. I appreciate his mentioning a couple of post at the Health...

Thinking Outside of the Box While Literally Thinking About the Box

I like to bring original thinking and creative solutions to my health care clients. Although the law is based on precedent, lawyers always need to remain current, thinking ahead and looking for creative solutions.Today I saw this "lesson in creativity" over at Jeff James' Create West Virginia blog. Thought I would pass it along to my readers. A great...

2008Tour De France: Congrats to West Virginian, Will Frischkorn

Congratulations to West Virginian, Will Frischkorn, on his amazing 2nd place finish in today's 3rd Stage of the 2008 Tour de France. The 2nd place finish puts him 3rd overall at 1' 42" back.Will chronicles his win in his online diary at VeloNews via his Blackberry. Watch his post...

2009 Joint Commission Standards: Now Available Online

The Joint Commission's revised standards are now available online. Additional details about the revisions are available on the Standards Improvement Initiative web page.The timetable for the release of the new standards, manuals and scoring information is as follows: July 2008: Standards will be posted to The Joint Commission website August 2008:...

Sermo Physicians Launch Doctors Unite Campaign

Can online social networking by health care professionals be the catalysts for group action and change in the health care industry?Fellow friend and health blogger,Fard Johnmar,at Healthcare Vox explores this question and more in his post, "Sermo Docs Launch An Online Health Reform...