2008 World's Strongest Man Competition, Charleston, WV

The 2008 World's Strongest Man Competition will be coming to Charleston, West Virginia next week, September 6-14. Find the full schedule of events and locations here and a list of the international competitors who will be arriving in Charleston to compete.Phil Pfister, Charleston...

Twoctor, Twoctor . . I've Got A Bad Case of Tweeting You

Nedra Weinreich over at Spare Change explores uses for Twitter to improve health care in her post Twitter for Health. Great ideas on how Twitter might be used by those of us in the health care industry.Thanks to Jen McCabe Gorman for tweeting the recent pos...

John Stossel's Perspective on WV Certificate of Need Law

Yesterday's Daily Mail article reports that John Stossel, co-anchor of ABC's 20/20 speaking at the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce's Business Summit spoke out against West Virginia's Certificate of Need laws. Stossel argues that free market is better than regulation of health care.Regulation vs. free market makes for great conversation. The debate...

Why WV is Wonderful . . .

Another great example of why West Virginia is Wild and Wonderful. Rainy day in Charleston today - but this brightened my morning.Thanks to Rick Lee who has a knack for capturing the beauty of our stat...

eHealthWV: West Virginia EHR Public Service Announcement

As a part of West Virginia's participation in the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative (HISPC), West Virginia Medical Institute and its partners launch the eHealthWV website focused on educating consumers about electronic health records and health information exchange.West Virginia was one of a number of states awarded a grant by...

Governor Manchin Approves Cardiac Catheterization Standards

The West Virginia Health Care Authority website indicates today that Governor Manchin approved the final revised certificate of need Cardiac Catheterization Standard...

Is blogging good for your health?

Is blogging good for your health?This Boston Globe article, Cancer blogs become part of treatment, indicates that blogging about your condition has a positive impact.The article states:Boyd is one of a growing number of cancer patients turning to the Internet to discuss their disease, keeping friends and family updated, and connecting with other patients,...

ADVANCE Magazine - Article on EHRs and PHRs

Recently I was interviewed for an article looking at the legal issues involved in the developing world of EHRs and PHRs written by Beth Walsh for ADVANCE Magazine. The article, Looking at Legality: Medical Records - New questions and concerns are popping up around the legalities of EHRs and PHRs, appears in the August 11, 2008 edition of the magazine.Those...