U.S. Hospitals: Using Facebook, YouTube and Twitter

Great post listing the U.S. Hospitals using social networking tools like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Check out the complete list of 150 hospitals and a related FAQ about the Hospital Social Networking List at Found In Cache: Notes from a Hospital Web Manager authored by Ed Bennett.Thanks to @schwen for pointing out the lis...

Medical Uses of Twitter: Twitter Consult

Two case studies pointing out additional medical uses for Twitter from Jennifer Texada at How to Go Web 2.0.Her post, Health 2.0 Makes it to Twitter, discusses two separate cases. The first involved the use of Twitter by medical professionals seeking real time advice with a diagnosis. Call it a "Twitter Consult." The second involved a researcher...

West Virginia: The Roadmap to Health Project

Last week Kenneth E. Thorpe, PhD of Emory University released the Roadmap to Health Project report to the West Virginia Legislature's Select Committee D on Health. The Roadmap to Health Project is an initiative by Select Committee D. The full report is titled, "West Virginia Health...

Lessons For PowerPoint Users

Yesterday I did a presentation for the West Virginia Healthcare Financial Management Association on Social Media, Consumer Driven Health Care, Health 2.0 and the Legal Implications. Today I see friend and creative guru, Jeff James' post on Begin With PowerPoint in Mind which highlights how NOT to use PowerPoint and links to a Top 10 Best Presentations...

American Well: e-House Calls by the Hawaiian Doctor

Today Hawaii Medical Service Association along with American Well roll out American Well's technology that redesigns the house call -- call it "e-House Call." More about the joint effort and how to log in can be found at HMSA's Online Care For Consumers.American Well's technology allows live, face-to-face consultations between physicians and patients....

WVHFMA: Consumer Driven Health Care

Tomorrow I will be speaking on consumer driven health care at the West Virginia Chapter Healthcare Financial Management Association's Winter Education Conference in Charleston, West Virginia.I thought I would post my slides for the presentation titled, Consumer Driven Health Care: The Impact of Social Media and Health 2.0. The presentation is an introduction...

My Family Health Portrait: A Family PHR

The Surgeon General has launched a new online tool allowing a user to create an electronic family health tree to track your family health history. The site is called "My Family Health Portrait." The Surgeon General press release.The tool draws on the value of creating a family health genealogy and marries it with the concepts of PHRs. The tool states,...

Wordle: Health Care Law Blog

I noticed recent tweets about Wordle, an ultra cool "word count" generator. Here is an example pulled from the text of my Health Care Law Blog. Give it a try for your blog, tweets or next presentatio...

Lifeline Television Program: Health Information Exchange and Health 2.0

Last month I had the opportunity to tape a television segment on Health Information Exchange and Health 2.0 for Lifeline, a weekly 30 minute public television program focusing on health and Medicare information for West Virginians. The segment started running this week and should run through the month of January.  The show is produced by West...