Ted Eytan, MD's Photo Friday

Thanks to Ted Eytan, MD for featuring Jane Sarasohn-Kahn and me as the "Photo Friday" models of the week. The photo was taken at the start of our testimony before NCVHS on the future of PHR...

NCVHS: Report of Hearing on "Meaningful Use" of Health Information Technology

The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) has issued its initial Report of Hearing on "Meaningful Use" of Health Information Technology.The May 18,2009 report is directed to David Blumenthal, MD, National Coordinator of Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. The cover letter indicates that NCVHS will...

ONC Developing Online Project To Educate Consumers About PHRs

Government Health IT reports that the the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) is developing an online model containing information for consumers about personal health records (PHRs) and the privacy policies related to their use. ONC's effort appears targeted at engaging consumer to make more informed decisions about the use of PHRs.The Office...

X PRIZE: $10M Incentive to Innovate In Health Care (Reform)

Scott Shreeve, MD, Senior Health Advisor at the X PRIZE Foundation sent out a call last week to all health care bloggers to participate in a blog rally to promote the idea and effort behind the Healthcare X PRIZE competition. Below is a message from Dr. Sheeve being post around...

Modern Day Hatfield-McCoy: Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault

The Hatfields and McCoys, a metaphor for a modern day high-tech industry rivalry centered on personal health records (PHRs) involving Google Health, Microsoft HealthVault and other PHR vendors. An image that a West Virginia health care lawyer can really appreciate. Thanks to a tweet...

ONC Releases HIT ARRA Implementation Plan

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has released an operating plan titled the Health Information Technology American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Implementation Plan.The operating plan is included on the DHHS Agency Wide Plan page under the "List of Recovery Programs within HHS."The operating plan...

Blog World New Media Expo 2009: Medical and Health Care Bloggers

Today I received the speaker list for the MedBlogger Conference associated with Blog World New Media Expo 2009 from Kim McCallister of Emergiblog, co-organizer of the event along with Dr. Val of Better Health.Blog World New Media Expo 2009 will be held October 15-17 in Las Vegas....

Virginia Department of Health Professions Issues Statement on Potential Breach of Security for Prescription Monitoring Program

Virginia Department of Health Professions has issued a News Release regarding the potential breach of security for the Prescription Monitoring Program. The statement also indicates that there is an ongoing criminal investigation into the breach which occurred on April 30.Also, the Virginia Department of Health Professions has issued a related Questions...

Update On HIT Policy and Standards Committees

Last week the Federal Register (April 29, 2009) contained a Notification of the Establishment of the HIT Policy Committee and HIT Standards Committee. I had previously posted about the creation of these committee and recommended suggested members.More information will be made available via the "new" Health Information Technology website of the Office...

Health 2.0 Boston: Tweet Stream Analysis

Chris Hogg does a great job of capturing the metrics of the Twitter discussion that occurred during the recent Health 2.0 Boston conference. Check out his slide show analysis of the Tweet Stream from the conference.Health 2.0 Tweet Stream AnalysisView more presentations from Chris Hogg.As someone who tweets at conferences that I attend I found the...

Virginia Department of Health Professions Breach: Extortion Demand Regarding 8M Patient Records and 35M Prescriptions

Information Week is covering a story involving an extortion letter sent last week to the Virginia Department of Health Professions seeking $10M to return more than 8M patient records and 35M prescriptions allegedly stolen from the Virginia Department of Health Professions.The extortion demand was posted on WikiLeaks. The WikiLeaks website states:May...

Charleston FestivALL 2009: A City Becomes A Work Of Art

The preliminary lineup of events for Charleston FestivALL 2009 was announced today. Ten days of music, art, theater, entertainment, creativity and fun bring the city of Charleston alive from June 19 - 27, 2009. Where the city become a work of art!As many of my friends, colleagues...