OCR Designates HIPAA Regional Office Privacy Advisors

The Acting Director and Principal Deputy Director for the Office for Civil Rights, Robinsue Frohboese, has designated Office for Civil Rights Regional Managers in each of the HHS Regional Offices to serve as the Regional Office Privacy Advisors. On July 27, 2009, Secretary Sebelius authorized the Director of the Office for Civil Rights to carry out...

Health Care Reform Explained from Back of the Napkin Blog

Dan Roam at the Back of the Napkin Blog sums up the current health care reform effort in this four part health care series, Healthcare Napkins All. Great back of the napkin summary of health reform (actually insurance reform).Thanks to Jay Parkinson MD for the tip.Healthcare Napkins AllView more documents from Dan Roa...

State Medicaid Fraud Control Units Annual Report FY 2008

The DHHS Office of Inspector General has issued the Fiscal Year 2008 State Medicaid Fraud Control Units Annual Report. The report covers FY 2008 (October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008.The summary of the report provides background on the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) grant program, the number of states participating, the amounts recovered and number...

Viral Health Effort Via Twitter: Fit West Virginia (#FitWV)

Dawn Miller of the Charleston Gazette highlights the ongoing Fit West Virginia (#FitWV) effort ongoing via Twitter in her op-ed piece, West Virginians try to tip scales on obesity.The idea was born back on West Virginia Day as a result of Jason Keeling asking his blog readers to discuss solutions to West Virginia's problems in a post, West Virginia:...

AHLA Public Interest Committee Publishes Stark Law White Paper

The American Health Lawyers Association's Public Interest Committee recently published a new white paper on on the federal self-referral law also known as the "Stark Law" which looks at and considers what, if any, changes to the Stark Law might be beneficial under the current health care system and the proposed reform efforts. The white paper is...

HIPAA Security Rule Enforcement Delegated to OCR

Today HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that enforcement of the Security Rule under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) will be delegated to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).The official delegation occurred on July 27, 2009. More information about the transition of authority for the administration and enforcement...