Health Care Law Blog: Have a Wonderful Holiday Season!

Happy Holidays to my clients, health care and lawyer colleagues, and other readers of the Health Care Law Blog I appreciate your continued support and hope that 2012 will be as exciting and wonderful as this past year. See you in 2012! In years past I have sent...

Thanksgiving 2011: Occupy The Dinner Table and Engage With Grace

The Engage with Grace Project is an effort to raise awareness of the importance of end of life care planning and discussing your wishes with your family and friends.Dr. Bryan Vartabedian captures the simplicity of the project in his post, "It began with a simple idea: Create a tool...

HIPAA/HITECH Audits: OCR Program to Audit 150 Covered Entities

Today the Office for Civil Right (OCR) announced details of a pilot program to perform up to 150 audits of covered entities to assess privacy and security compliance under HIPAA. OCR will be conducting the audits between November 2011 and December 2012.The days of waiting for HIPAA...